Traded Gold,Silver,for 6-8Years.
Now trading Nifty,BankNifty from 2-3Years.
I enjoy hearing from readers and new friends.
It is quick and easy. Remember it's good to talk!
If you have any trading queries, suggestion, comment or just want to say hi, please feel free to shout in shoutbox at home page.
I always answer all the queries as quickly as possible.
or just mail me Try it.
Now trading Nifty,BankNifty from 2-3Years.
Analysing the market to generate maximum profit opportunities.
Trying to make stock market trading more reliable, convenient and profitable.
I enjoy hearing from readers and new friends.
It is quick and easy. Remember it's good to talk!
If you have any trading queries, suggestion, comment or just want to say hi, please feel free to shout in shoutbox at home page.
I always answer all the queries as quickly as possible.
or just mail me Try it.